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  • / May 20, 2024
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Floor Area Ratio (Far) In Noida – How Calculated And What Includes Therein  And What Not:

NOIDA is an abbreviation of  New Okhla Industrial Development Authority, which  is a city located in Gautam Buddha Nagar district of the State of Uttar Pradesh in India. This city has a number of  residential and commercial projects and has a wonderful infrastructure. It spreads over 20,316 hectares and  is one of the largest planned industrial townships of Asia and has many sectors fully developed. In NOIDA, the norms of FAR have been revised in the recent years  impacting the real estate market.


Floor Area ratio (FAR) is also known by the names called, Floor Space Index (FSI), Floor Space Ratio (FSR)  or Site Ratio.  FSR is a ratio and FSI is an index. The FAR has been defined in Regulation 2.25 of The New Okhla Industrial Development Area Building Regulation, 2010. As  per this regulation, FAR is meant by  the quotient obtained by dividing the total covered area (plinth area) on all floors by the area of plotIt  is a correlation  between the total area, which can be used or is permitted to be used in a building and the total area of the plot on which that building is standing. It can be determined as Total Building Floor Area/Gross Lot Area.

Zoning authorities can control factors such as density of population,  infrastructure demands  and congestion of traffic  by  setting limits  with regard to  floor area that can be built on a specific lot size.

Importance of Floor Area Ratio

Each city has a limited space which can be used for construction purposes.  Any increase in construction may result in undue pressures, which are checked by use of FAR. It plays a key role in shaping the built environment and ensuring that cities are developed in an organized  and sustainable manner. The density of development is regulated by FAR within a particular area.

FAR is very important to  Urban Planners Developers and Community Members, as can be seen below:

  1. Urban Planners: Urban Planners can set the appropriate FAR limits in different zones in the city in such a way that it is ensured that
  • sufficient open space and amenities are available in areas earmarked for residential use and
  • higher densities can be accommodated by commercial or mixed-use areas to support economic activity.
  1. Developers: It is very crucial for Developers to understand FAR at the time of  designing a new projects or redeveloping an existing one.  How much floor area  can be  constructed on a given site is determined by the maximum allowable FAR.  So, the developers, with a view to optimize the use of available floor area, have to consider factors like   height of the building, setbacks and the desired mix of uses,  taking into account  zoning regulations.
  1. Community Members: Quality life of community members is affected by FAR. Higher FAR results in  increased population density and  taller buildings,  which  impacts  privacy, sunlight access etc. . On the other side open space is preserved by a lower FAR

Floor Area Ratio (FAR) not only may vary  from city to city but  also, Indeed, it also varies with the variation in population dynamics, growth pattern and construction. floor area ratios also varies  based on structure type, such as industrial, residential, commercial, or agricultural. Usually, a  higher ratio means  a dense or highly urbanized area.A higher FAR results in more intensive development like larger and taller buildings and on the other hand a lower FAR helps in promoting  lower-density neighborhoods, such as low-rise buildings or single-family homes  and open space,Common Factors that Impact FAR

  • Use of Land :  FAR varies with the use of  land  which can be for residential, commercial, industrial  or mixed use purposes. .
  • Zoning regulations: These are guidelines framed  by local governments which  control the use of land within their respective jurisdictions.  The areas are divided into different zones or districts, each  having  specific permitted uses and restrictions like how close buildings can be or what will be limits on building sizes.  Thus, these regulations impact FAR.
  • Capacity of infrastructure: The development  density and intensity are influenced by infrastructure in the locality like roads, public services and utilities due to which FAR gets impacted


As per The New Okhla Industrial Development Area Building Regulation, 2010,  following are Ground Coverage, Setbacks and FAR in Residential Plots

Area of

Noida Plot (square



Ground Coverage (%)



 ( metres)



( metres)



  ( metres)

 Floor  Area Ratio


Up to 50 75 1.5 1.5 180
Above 50-75 75 1.5 2.0 180
Above 75-120 75 2.0 2.4 180
Above 120-200 75 3.0 2.4 180
Above 200-300 75 3.5 3.0 180
Above 300-400 65 4.0 3.0 3.0 180
Above 400-500 65 4.5 3.5 3.0 180
Above 500-700 60 5.0 3.5 3.0 150
Above 750 60 150

Following may be noted in this regard:

  • The height of the building shall be maximum 15 metres in all size of plots.
  • Total height without exception shall be taken from top of drain to top of building.
  • Where within setbacks, the pemissible ground coverage is not achieved , the setbacks of the preceding category may be followed. However, in special cases,  where ground coverage is not achieved in the preceding category also,  powers are with the CEO to  relax the setbacks to the extent he considers fit.
  • Within the permissible FAR and Ground Coverage equivalent of 40 % area of rear Set Back, in the Residential Plots,  construction shall be allowed on either side/both sides in the rear set back.

An Example of Calculation of  Floor Area Ratio in the city of NOIDA

Suppose one has a plot in NOIDA and if it measures in Sq. Metres then it is O.K. for calculation otherwise first it will have to be converted into Square metres.  Let us say, a plot measures 250 sq yards and for converting it into sq metres, it will have to be multiplied by 0.836 and it size in sq metres will be taken as (250 x 0.836)  209 sq. metres since 1 sq yard equals 0.836 sq m.  The floor area ratio of this plot  in NOIDA will be  taken as 180, as can be seen from the above table.

For calculation of FAR, the formula is (Area of all floors  x 100) / Plot Area.

The total area of all floors can be calculated with the help of  formula:  Total area of floors = (FAR x Plot Area) / 100.

Now, in the instant case, size of the plot is 250  sq yards, which is equal to 2250 sq ft. as 1 sq yard equals 9 sq ft. The total area of all floors comes to  (2250 x 180 / 100 = 4050 sq ft.

In Noida where construction up to only three floors is allowed as per the laws,  the coverage area per floor would be 4050/3  = 1350 sq.ft.


Dwelling Units Limits

  • Plot size upto 100 metre – 2 dwelling units
  • Plot size above 100 and upto 500 metres – 3 dwelling units
  • Plot size of above 500 metres – 4 units

As far as density calculation is concerned, for all residential plots, 4.5 person per dwelling unit shall be considered. and servant quarter shall be taken  as half dwelling unit.

Stilt Parking

For a plot size of 112 square metres and above, Stilt Parking free from FAR,  shall be allowed upto a maximum height of 2.4 metres  upto bottom of beam. However, parking may be allowed in setbacks in cases where stilt is not provided.


Areas included in FAR

The following shall be included in the FAR:

  • Mezzanine
  • Pergola, in case closed from three or more

Areas  not included in Floor Area Ratio

  • Cantilever Projection

A cantilever projection at any level of a width of 0.75 metre in setbacks. No construction of any material  or any type,  other than  as  mentioned,  shall be permitted over projections.

  • Canopy Projections
  • Plots where front set back is 4.5 metre or more – Canopy projections of 4.5 metre X 2.4 metre in front or side set

Back – Maximmun 2  numbers,

  • Plots where front setback is less than 4.5 metres – one such canopy only in side setback.
  • Basement

A single Basement, equivalent to ground coverage provided it is  used for parking, services and storage.

  • Stilt Area

Use of Stilt area of non-habitable height for parking, landscaping etc.

  • Loft

Loft upto 1.5 metre height

  • Open Ramps

Open ramps to be in side setbacks only for movement of vehicles.

  • Balconies

The width of the Balconies should be upto 1.50 metres. In the case of Balcony being more than that,  1/4th of its area is  counted in FAR, Cupboard (0.60m wide), Staircase, Lift, Mumty for staircase, and Bay windows.

  • Other Features

Other features, mentioned in Table 3. of the The New Okhla Industrial Development Area Building Regulation, 2010, permitted in the setbacks of the plots after leaving 6.0m clear space for fire tender

  • Decorative Column

Columns of any material and number with maximum size 0.30 metres  x 0.30 metres, which are purely decorative and not load bearing, are permitted in setback.

  • Buttresses

Any number up to maximum width of 0.750 metres

  • Moulding, Murals and Cornices

Can be provided over and above the maximum permissible dimensions of a projection or a canopy,  upto a maximum width of 150 millimetre

  • Planters and Sun Control Devices

Projections by way of Planter, egg crates, cantilevered fins and  other sun control devices permitted  in setback with  maximum width upto 0.750 metre and Maximum depth  upto 0.600 metre.

  • Jali

Permitted Jali over projections primarily meant to cover window Air-conditioning units and dessert cooler. Jali can be of any material with Maximum width upto  0.75 metre

  • Rain Water pipe covered by Casing Enclosure

Upto depth of maximum 0.50 metres and    maximum width of 0.75 metres.


Any FAR violation  is considered as an offence. FAR regulations in NOIDA are to be adhered and violators can be fined. In the case of a very serious violations, demolition action can also be taken.


The land resources are scarce and their efficient use is need of the hour.  The urban planning requires a balance among the needs  of open space, population density and infrastructure. FAR encourages  a balanced development pattern.  In NOIDA,  FAR is governed by The New Okhla Industrial Development Area Building Regulation, 2010,wherein all maters related to FAR are provided including how FAR is calculated and what includes therein and what not.